New selection tools in 'krita-testing-kazakov'

Paul Geraskin paul_geraskin at
Sun Jun 2 19:43:46 UTC 2013

I'm ready to test tomorrow at work. I'll contact you.


On 02.06.2013 20:23, Dmitry Kazakov wrote:
> Hi, all!
> I have just pushed the third major patch for our selection tools to 
> the 'krita-testing-kazakov' branch. It would be really cool if someone 
> could test it a bit and give some feedback about it. It is not yet 
> completely finished, but most of the work left is just cleaning-up, so 
> I guess it is ready for testing.
> Here is the list of the most outstanding features of the branch:
> 1) Creation of most of the types of selections is done veeery fast! 
> For most of the selection tools (all except automatic filling tools) 
> you will see the outline in an instant. For other tools the outline 
> will be shown with a small delay, but the work will be done in the 
> background, so the UI will not be blocked.
> 2) Vector Selections are significantly refactored!
> 2.1) Editing the Vector Selection with a Shape Handling Tool does 
> *not* hang the UI anymore! All the work is done in the background and 
> you can edit the shape without any interruptions.
> 2.2) Implemented smooth transitions from a Vector Selection to a Pixel 
> Selection. You will never end up with some weird uneditable selection 
> clouds on the image anymore. Now it is not possible to have both pixel 
> and vector selection simultaneously. When you try to paint on a vector 
> selection, it is automatically converted into a pixel selection and 
> you continue to paint without any delay.
> Probably, we should now activate a vector selection by default?
> Probably, some UI for conversion Pixel->Vector selection would be nice 
> to have?
> 2.3) All this nice "selection flattening" stuff is undo'able!
> These changes touch quite a lot of code, so I would really love if 
> someone could test it before I merge it to master!
> -- 
> Dmitry Kazakov 

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