branch: krita-artisticcolorselector-silvioheinrich

Silvio Heinrich plassy at
Tue Jun 28 18:34:52 CEST 2011

To David:
This is the color selector I showed you at the krita sprint.
If you want to test go ahead (everyone else of course to).

To Everyone:
I first wanted to make it a part of the palette docker I'm working on but
then I thought it is maybe worth to create an own docker for it.
Anyway I tried to base the design of the color selector on
color theory. I still don't know if it qualifies to be included
since we already have a lot of color selectors.
I mean it helps me a lot to choose my color but maybe others
won't find it that useful :)

Please tell me what you think.

Basic Usage:
left click               -> select foreground color
right click              -> select background color
left click + drag mouse  -> rotate entire wheel
right click + drag mouse -> rotate the ring that was clicked

(rotating the wheel makes the selected color warmer and cooler)

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