Suggestions for a shortcut for Save Incremental Version

JL VT pentalis at
Sat Jun 18 01:58:47 CEST 2011

On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 4:53 PM, David REVOY <davidrevoy at> wrote:
> Hi,

Hello there Deevad!

> I both like the 2 way to do save incremental :
> The one Dmitry expose on the mail under is also a good method with
> advantages ;
> The name of the final file don't change till the end of project. This can
> help for inclusion , or relative link with another program or in a
> multi-software workflow .For exemple I experienced an awesome test with the
> 2 'reload' option between Krita and Mypaint , working on the same file is a
> pleasure. On a project like Sintel, it can help also help workers to keep a
> GIT or SVN versionning of the file.
> What I propose is in regards of this choice  is to keep the 2 systems ;
> 1. Option 'Save Incremental' as Pentalis already did ( I couldn't test but
> it looks and sound good from what's written, I like the way it use 0~9 or
> a~z depending the filename ; smart ! )
> For the shortcut ; maybe Ctrl+Alt+S  ( in PS , this one is for "save for
> web" ) ; but I know because of Ubuntu usage of 'Alt' this last keystroke
> became taboo in many apps. ( not for Blender or Gimp ) . btw, the F2 of the
> 'save as scrap' of Mypaint is also cool because it's a single key to press.
> This option can be really good working on Storyboard too, thumbnail
> sketching and sketch in general.
> For this option , I like the naming foo_001.kra.
> 2. For the other method Dmitry posted , a preference option ( as a checkbox
> in the preference menu ) to make the behavior of the normal 'Save'  keep
> older versions and rename ( what Blender do also ) ; with a number box to
> change ( ex: keep 4 last versions / 8 last version or all~infinite version
> ). This option is more designed for artist who want to avoid overwritting
> errors on a single painting files ; or keep historical . I can make easier
> also the creation of a WIP.
> For this option , I like the naming foo~001.kra.
> I hope with the ~ and _  ; collision between files will not happen between
> the 2 system, if you think the design of a system like this is good.
> ( ex : the first 'save' over a the second page of a storyboard :
> foo_002~001.kra )

At first I read Dmitry's suggestion and I wasn't sure of what it would
be useful for, so I was waiting for a more elaborate description.

This above seems like a sound argument in favor of having both
incremental schemes.

The only thing I wonder now is whether it is better to have 2 menu
entries, to reuse 'Save', or just to use Save Incremental Version and
make it reconfigurable.

--Reusing 'Save' requires a Calligra-wide change (not that it is
inherently bad, but if the consensus is that this is better, I need to
move this discussion to Calligra-devel and see what developers think).
--Making a new menu entry solves this inconvenience, and also has the
advantage of having a distinctive name and shortcut.
--And the last option is to let Save Incremental Version behave one of
both ways depending on how it is configured.

I am partial to having 2 menu entries, examples of those:

Save Incremental Version --- current behavior  (
Save Incremental Backup  ----

I could also be called Save Decremental Version, Save Incremental
Backup Version, Backup Incremental Version, Save Backup Version.


(I'll wait till next Wednesday at least to take a decision, there's no
hurry and having everyone's thoughts makes the change more likely to
be widely accepted).

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