Report of Meeting: plans 2011

Sven Langkamp sven.langkamp at
Mon Jan 3 19:33:06 CET 2011

On Mon, Jan 3, 2011 at 6:39 PM, silvio grosso <grossosilvio at> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> Regarding my sponsorships related to this year I would like elaborate a bit
> my
> goals.
> 1.
> As regards Dmitry, I am going to sponsor him  for fixing bugs (or adding
> little
> features).
> I am NOT in a hurry: I have already explained him that ;-)
> As a consequence, Dmitry can accept my sponsorship whenever he wants.
> For instance, at the end of this summer when he is perhaps likely to have
> more
> time :-)
> Regarding the sponsorship for improving the crop tool on Krita it is really
> up
> to you developers to decide whether or not it is worth working on it.
> As for me, I think it might be maybe useful to improve the way, as in Gimp
> or Darktable, to drag the borders of the image you want to crop (having a
> rectangle as "handle").
> In short, having ALL borders draggable instead of only the little squares.
> But it is really a whim of mine: actually, there is NO real need to work on
> it

I think improving the crop tool should be very easy to do. We just need to
agree on how it should work.
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