Krita 2.0 and the freehand drawing tool

Valerie valerie_vk at
Wed May 7 13:15:09 CEST 2008

> I'm pretty sure you have KDE 4, at least kdelibs etc.

I'm pretty sure I do, but basically, I didn't have to install the
whole of KDE 4 (no offence to the KDE developers, but I'll pass on
KDE 4 until 4.1 comes out. The black thing around the icons is
something I find downright ugly).

> Planned is that the tools should be able to create editable shapes
> that use Krita brushes. I'm not sure if adding a third freehand tool 
> would be a good idea, as that could confuse many users.


I only know of 1 at the moment: the current normal freehand tool. 
Karbon's vector freehand tool is a Vector tool, which means it
lacks some of the conveniences of raster (shape effects and mostly,
easy erasing).

Although some users may initially get confused by the two brushes at
first, they should be able to get used to it quickly, and choose which
tool they would prefer, as both would have their pros and cons. For
example, I'm pretty certain that I'd go for this tool over the
current freehand tool: the amount of jitter I leave around is simply
frustrating, even with smoothing. :(

Also, as I've mentioned, this introduces the possibility of
automatically counting stroke length, which is much harder with normal

That said, by "editable shapes" do you mean that other person's
proposition on replacing raster brushes completely by a node-based
rendering? This basically meant that all strokes could be modified.
If that's in the plans, then when the transition is made we'd end
up with only one tool again, but in the meantime I'd really like to
access an ultra-smooth freehand raster tool.

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