Summer of Code

Cyrille Berger cberger at
Mon Mar 17 13:55:16 CET 2008

On Monday 17 March 2008, Valerie wrote:
> Between the photo editor based on Krita and the quick sketch
> interface based on Krita, don't both of these sound like
> options that would do well with the workscape proposal I had
> made?
Totally, we came to the same conclusion while discussing this on IRC. But, 
when we listed the things that needed to be done, it came out that it is a 
huge undertaking. Especially that XMLGUI, the library that manage Krita's 
menu and toolbar is rather inflexible, at some point of KDE4, a replacement 
(liveui ?) might appear that solves that issue. That said, if someone is 
interested by the project, we can work with him/her to define a project that 
would be more limited, but more reasonable, but still a step in the right 
direction for the full workspace proposal.

> Maybe people see now why I had proposed it in the first 
> place?
hehe :)

> Upon starting Krita, users would be faced with a few buttons:
> - photo editing
> - sketch
> - paint
> - general
And also have the possibility to have an entry in your system menu that would 
directly launch the "sketch" profile.

Cyrille Berger

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