Status on generator layers? (boud?)

Boudewijn Rempt boud at
Tue Apr 8 19:20:54 CEST 2008

On Tuesday 08 April 2008, Matthew Woehlke wrote:

> I'll try (when I find time to get to it, amongst the several other
> things on my TO-DO list). Btw, is it sufficiently obvious how to create
> a generator layer with a different color space (i.e. gray-16)? (Does
> Krita understand gray-32?)

gray-16, yes, gray-32 isn't supported yet. It's a simple matter of making the 
KisGenerator::colorSpace() return the right value. Converting the grayscale 
paint device to another set of colors is something you would have to write 
filters for that take one input paint device and return another one and apply 
that as a filter mask.

> Thanks! Now... if we could just import those from .PSD's... ;-).

No can do -- we do not have legal access to the Photoshop file format and do 
not have time to reverse engineer. There are some solutions in the workings, 
but they aren't done.

> Speaking of bugs... when I tried to change the color after adding a
> layer, it made it black, and doesn't seem to let me make it not-black.

Should be fixed.

Boudewijn Rempt

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