looping forever.

Cyrille Berger cberger at cberger.net
Thu May 24 22:18:42 CEST 2007

> Often when I attempt to use krita  the program seems to go into an
> endless loop and there is no way to kill it or undo the step. The
> latest instance was on loading an xcf file. Some load, some don't.
For xcf file, Krita use graphics{image}magick for the loading, you can try to 
test using the "display" (or "gm display") command to see if the problem 
comes from Krita or graphics{image}magick. But xcf support is probably never 
going to really improve, the way to go is a real interexchange file format.

As for hanging, the only one I know of is when saving to png with libpng 
1.2.10 to 1.2.14, and the solution is to avoid those version :)

> Also scripts seem to act very slowly.  Some take several minutes to
> execute. The Random Paint filter for example took 4 minutes 53
> seconds to execute on first execution on a jpg.
> Is such a script resident on my computer or does it download first?
Yes its resident on your computer.
I would be extremely surprise that the second execution is significatively 

Script languages are allways slower no matter what, but the random paint 
filter is slow on large image because it randomly draw around 100 shapes 
(rectangle/elipse) of various shapes, I did some test on a 4000x4000 image, 
and drawing one filled rectangle in Krita covering most of that image takes 
around  8s, so multiply by 100, it takes a maximum 800s ~ 13 minutes to 
finish executing that script ! Note, that I have done some rapid testing with 
the gimp and it took about the same time, cinepaint seemed a little bit 
faster to draw such a rectangle.

Cyrille Berger

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