Krita use in VFX

Moritz Moeller mnm at
Tue Jun 12 18:26:48 CEST 2007


> In fact, my plan for this was slightly different. Currently RGB is, indeed, 
> mapped from 0...255 to 0.0...1.0, and what I want to do is that the user 
> choose in the overview the exposure of the image, and that Krita uses that 
> exposure to map 0...255 to the range that fit the current exposure. That way, 
> the user select the exposure, and the color appears in the view as the user 
> has selected it.

that sounds nice but it doesn't allow for painting with absolute values 
in the float/HDR case and it doesn't allow negative/out of range values 
unless I miss something.

I think the best way would be to be able to have:

Image display:
   * Raw (unaltered, clamped to target display's capability --
       there are HDR monitors btw! :) )
   * Exposure-based
   * Normalized (between a user-specified black & white points)
       This is very useful to e.g work on a non-normalized 32bit float
       displacement map. Since this will inevitably contain negative
       values and values outside of 0..1, being able to work on this just
       as it were a greyscale image would be a very kewl feature.

Colour sliders:
   * 0..255
   * 0..100%
   * 0..1

   A checkbox saying 'Absolute' which, if turned off, would apply the
   normalization you talk about above.

In any case, values outside the range must be allowed both positive and 
negative. In VFX we do paint negative values into HDR images to suck 
light when using them for lighting ojects in 3D. And we do e.g. paint 
the sun into a HDR sky -- The sun is *a lot* brighter than the sky 
(100000 times, sometimes). So I need to be able to paint with a colour 
of 100000. :)
Currently I need to go to Shake to do this sort of stuff... :|

>> That sounds awesome. I contacted some people for some more info on TIFF
>> tags. There's e.g. tags in TIFF that tell an app to flip the image
>> vertically or horizontally etc.
> Like this one 
> ? :)

Yep. That's them! :)


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