Krita use in VFX
Cyrille Berger
cberger at
Tue Jun 12 19:21:02 CEST 2007
> that sounds nice but it doesn't allow for painting with absolute values
> in the float/HDR case and it doesn't allow negative/out of range values
> unless I miss something.
Sure it does :) It's just is limited to the range currently "visible". In your
sun example, with a non HDR monitor, you move slider until you can see the
sun, and then you select colors and can draw on the sun. But maybe we need
both way.
> I think the best way would be to be able to have:
> Image display:
> * Raw (unaltered, clamped to target display's capability --
> there are HDR monitors btw! :) )
It's unrealistic to really say we support HDR monitors without access to
one :)
> * Exposure-based
> * Normalized (between a user-specified black & white points)
> This is very useful to e.g work on a non-normalized 32bit float
> displacement map. Since this will inevitably contain negative
> values and values outside of 0..1, being able to work on this just
> as it were a greyscale image would be a very kewl feature.
> Colour sliders:
> * 0..255
> * 0..100%
> * 0..1
> A checkbox saying 'Absolute' which, if turned off, would apply the
> normalization you talk about above.
I failed to see how with a color slider of 0..1 you can select negative and
out of range values ?
> In any case, values outside the range must be allowed both positive and
> negative. In VFX we do paint negative values into HDR images to suck
> light when using them for lighting ojects in 3D. And we do e.g. paint
> the sun into a HDR sky -- The sun is *a lot* brighter than the sky
> (100000 times, sometimes). So I need to be able to paint with a colour
> of 100000. :)
> Currently I need to go to Shake to do this sort of stuff... :|
> >> That sounds awesome. I contacted some people for some more info on TIFF
> >> tags. There's e.g. tags in TIFF that tell an app to flip the image
> >> vertically or horizontally etc.
> >
> > Like this one
> > ? :)
> Yep. That's them! :)
The problem with that kind of tags is that without examples files I fear to do
something more wrong than ignoring them.
Cyrille Berger
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