paintbrush bristles configuration

Schleimer, Ben bensch128 at
Mon Apr 16 12:47:51 CEST 2007

--- Cyrille Berger <cberger at> wrote:

> > The current paintop configuration code in krita 1.6 is rather limited.
> > KisPainter should NOT be used as a data structure for the duplicate
> > properties!
> the duplicate tool should not exist. so your solution doesn't solve this. That 
> kispainter is use as a data structure for the duplicate properties is more 
> due to that I didn't understand how paintop are supposed to expose their 
> configuration.

Maybe the tool should pass in the configuration data structure to the paintop and the paintop
queries the configuration data for the properties it's interested in. If the configuration data is
a qobject, then the paintop can use reflection to grab the properties without having to use

> > As for showing to the user, what about sliders and radio buttons for now?
> > It's ugly but is easier to autogenerate from arbitrary property settings...
> Usuability people strongly advice against autogenrate configuration widget 
> from property strings. That's why paintop and filters return wigets.

Oh, yes thats a better idea... 

> My problem is more about consitency, the dab options are configured in some 
> place, while bristles will be configured somewhere else.

Aren't these properties of the brush and should be a tab in the brush configuration?


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