rename brightness/contrast filter

Cyrille Berger cberger at
Thu Oct 12 15:23:18 CEST 2006

> If you really want the filter to be obvious to everyone, more radical steps
> are needed, perhaps even making it visible somewhere outside the Filters
> menu.  The Filters menu is a good place to store effects like this - at
> least for the ones acquainted with graphics processing and painter
> applications, like you and me. But it may not be the place where everyone
> looks for them. From Cyrille's post, I read that too many people can't find
> this feature and I don't think that simply renaming it will help them find
> it all of a sudden.
actually too many people are finding it because they think brightness/contrast 
is an other filter, so they don't bother to look at it to do what they want, 
as they are looking for the "curve" keyword. Hence my propostion.

> I noticed that between 1.5 and 1.6 a number of filters were moved between
> categories. It might be that we have to investigate where people would look
> to find effects like this and rethink the idea of putting everything
> together in one Filters menu... Perhaps that the new UI offers other
> possibilities to make these effects easy to find?

We allready have the filter gallery to help people discover new effects, and 
of course the manual.
The menu needs a hierarchy, or it will soon explode. As for filter that have 
move between 1.5 and 1.6, I am a little bit surprised, which one did move ?

--- Cyrille Berger ---

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