Just checking on the todo's

Cyrille Berger cberger at cberger.net
Mon Feb 6 20:00:23 CET 2006

> * Exif in jpeg and tiff. (Cyrille)
I have nearly completed the "support" class. Need to have reader and writter 
for both jpeg and tiff ageter that.

> C  * Fix crashes in filters
I don't have any crash anymore. But last week I was at the linuxexpo in Paris, 
and there was some svn version of krita on some computers, and we experienced 
crash I wasn't able to reproduce at home with debugging symbols :(
Anyway, a crash todo can never be closed.

> C  * add support for YCbCr in TIFF and fix the reading of deflate files
it's (I hope) a four hours work.

> C  * finish the convolution painter
I wonder if wrap for convolution painter is really needed anyway ?

> C  * finish, polish and document scripting support
Two functions need implementation before it can be consider as finished. And 
documentation has been add to the handbook, it can be improve.

a lot of boring stuffs in that todo :) and I have boring stuff to do outside 
of krita too (which is take precedence over krita)
--- Cyrille Berger ---

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