Layers, layergroups, dockwindow, preview and dynamic layersize

Casper Boemann cbr at
Tue Jun 29 15:42:47 CEST 2004


I have begun opdating the layer dockwindow, including reordering by dragging 
and preview.

Photoshop has this notion of groups of layers and I think that we should have 
that too (even groups of groups of layers - not even photoshop has that)
I have made the first subtle preparations for that by using QListView  to show 
the layers in the dockview. I have created it in qtdesigner as requested.

I still need to do a lot of work, but it is comming along nicely.

Regarding previews, are there some work in progress, and do we have some form 
of broadcaster/listner pattern in use.

A fundamentalt requirement for me is that the layers need to resize themselves 
dynamically. I have made the first changes to the code. The width and height 
og paintdevice have gone and is replaced by extentLeft(), extentRight(), 
extentUp(), extentDown(), extentWidth() and extentHeight(). This to prepare 
for painting on negative coords. At the moment extentLeft() and extentUp() 
are always 0 but this will change. They will become dynamic in nature growing 
when draing is made to the paintdevice.

Along the way I fixed the pen tool so that it now paints correctly on a moved 

Krita compiles,  and I would like to commit the changes, however I don't have 
cvs rights. 

The next part of transformation to dynamic layers (I'm not there yet) is 
removing references to tilenumbers. A tile_iterator needs to be designed and 

The final part would be to allow growing of the matrix of tiles when writing 
outside current dimensions, and returning a blank tile when reading outside.

Tell me what you think
best regards
Casper Boemann

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