a new member and some small problems

Boudewijn Rempt boud at calcifer.valdyas.org
Sat Jun 26 21:16:53 CEST 2004

On Sat, 26 Jun 2004, Casper Boemann wrote:

> Hi
> My name is Casper, and I have just joined the mailing list, with the intent to
> become a contributing developer.


> Wishing for this kind of application for KDE I found krita. I have just
> installed from CVS and wow: you have come a long way!! nice work.
> during compilation I found some problems with current cvs.
> first in plugins/screenmode line 89 there are references to variables that are
> not part of cvs (simply commenting out that line helped)

Curious -- I have no trouble compiling that file. It's not finished, though. I want
the three buttons to provide a way to show Krita full-screen, full-screen with a
menu bar and normal, and I got kind of side-tracked with other issues. So if you
feel this is something to wet your feet with...

> also the colorrange and imagesize plugins require qtdevelop 3.3 which I think
> is a shame since it is not relaesed yet AFAIK. I that dependency really
> nessesary - I had to remove those plugins from the build.

No, it's just me not paying attention. The problem is that qt designer 3.3 is already
part of SuSE 9.1, so it's what I'm using. I should hand-edit the .ui file to change 3.3
to 3.2, because that's all there's too, really.

> Can any of you please point me to a nice little subproject that I could
> undertake as part of becomming familliar with the code

The big issue at the moment is selections -- I'm working on that, though. Something
that will show you around in the code would be a bicubic scale method for kis_paint_device.
The scale routine now simply calls a generic transform, but that doesn't give very nice
results. If you're interested in print, you might feel like debugging the cmyk color strategy.
Alternatively, there's the option of working on the composite ops in composite.h. Something
that's quite separate and would be very nice is to implement the three pointer modes we need:
cross-hair, tool iconic and brush shape. That needs a bit of work on the config dialog,
some options in the tools, and finally the code to xor the brush shape in the view. We need a
way to define kernel ops on image data, too. To start with this you could create a convolution

And if all this doesn't appeal -- there's the TODO in the Krita root. It's quite up to date,
so feel free to pick an item.

Also -- make use of the archives for this mailing list. Between September 2003 and February I
asked Patrick Julien, who was the previous maintainer and architect of most of Krita's core,
a lot of questions which he patiently answered. And at http://koffice.kde.org/krita there's a
link to a short overview of Krita's architecture with reference to the actual source files.

Have fun hacking!

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