Firefox + KDE integration: Getting FF to use Dolphin reliably. 12+ years and counting.
Kevin Krammer
krammer at
Wed Jul 9 15:04:03 BST 2014
I haven't read all the linked bug reports or how previous attempts of
integration were done, but it seems to me this is mostly about user
preferences regarding default applications, correct?
I am asking because this is not something KDE specific anymore, there is a
cross-desktop specification covering this:
On Monday, 2014-07-07, 15:55:55, grantksupport at wrote:
> (1) I hear & acknowledge your points.
> (2) It's proving challenging for me to not have it come across as 'Linux is
> insignificant, why should we bother'. I'm trying, but ... (3) Superior #s
> do not make a superior species. Take cockroaches vs. people, e.g. Tho,
> it's arguable ...
> And truly, with due respect, and intent to simply provide ... feedback and
> some incentive ... perhaps if Mozilla was a bit more openly cooperative
> users other than just/primarilyFirefox-on-Windows-desktop, then perhaps
> there'd be more of those users, no? Spend some time *in* KDE community --
> users are giving up on Firefox, with a giant 'Meh'. "Here", we're an
> enterprise shop that uses Linux on the Desktop, as are some other, rather
> significant companies. We'd use Mozilla products much more widely if
> issues like this languishing bug that causes all sorts of confusion for our
> users, and is easily fixed by siwtching to Chrome across the company,
> didn't exist. (We won't talk at all about the abandonment of unfinished
> Thunderbird ... that stung us badly, and still does; guessing we're not
> alone).
> From *our* perspective, which I certainly recognize is different than yours,
> KDE & Linux are much broader reaching, enterprise imperatives for a company
> like us, and our users, than "which browser" we use. Particularly with one
> or more serious alternatives available.
> A point to keep in mind is that - there's a community of users who DO want
> this fixed, including an Opensuse developer who HAS a (hacky) fix - and
> that the common thread has been, if not is, that -- just can't get any
> interest at Mozilla. Tought to fix the problem in Mozilla product when
> there's noone willing to talk AT Mozilla.
> Or, if what you say is true, and continues to be, that KDE support -- and
> perhaps Linux, too -- is not a priority, then a clear statement of those
> missing-priorities would be certainly helpful. If only get 'us' to stop
> wingeing and focus our minority interest and limited resources elsewhere.
> > That said, there should probably be a discussion ...
> If that's an invitation to the outside world -- Linux & KDE to enter into
> discussion, great. Provide the name of a point person @ Mozilla and a
> willingness to have 'this' talk, and I'll do my part to see if I can make
> some connections.
> Thanks!
> On Mon, Jul 7, 2014, at 01:13 PM, Justin Dolske wrote:
> > On 7/3/14 1:44 PM, grantksupport at wrote:
> > > There are LOTS of users that use Firefox on Linux in a KDE environment.
> >
> > Keep in mind this is is a very relative number -- _All_ Linux usage
> > represents about 3% of Firefox usage. We have 7x more _Windows XP_ users.
> >
> > > It's been reported as a bug in Firefox 12+ years ago & has spawned
> > > multiple other bugs.
> >
> > KDE support hasn't been a priority for Mozilla, nor is it currently a
> > priority. Getting better support for KDE into Firefox will need to be an
> > effort driven and sustained by the KDE community.
> >
> > > There's a fix/workaround in Opensuse (pkg: mozilla-kde4-integration;
> > >
> > > ge=mozilla-kde4-integration), although it's not been accepted in current
> > > state @Firefox for upstream inclusion.
> > >
> > > Afaict, discussion & activity are basically dead.
> >
> > It appears that way. Of the bugs you listed, only bug 528598 has any
> > patches (from over a year ago), part of which seems to a forked copy of
> > the biggest piece of browser UI (browser.xul). I'd suggest that if
> > someone in the KDE community is interested in getting fixes upstreamed
> > to Mozilla, the first step will be to break things up into small pieces
> > that can be reviewed and committed individually.
> >
> > That said, there should probably be a discussion if we even want to
> > accept such patches -- 12 years without significant contributors
> > suggests any KDE code in the Mozilla tree would quickly break/bitrot
> > without someone actively maintaining it.
> >
> > Justin
> > _______________________________________________
> > firefox-dev mailing list
> > firefox-dev at
> >
Kevin Krammer, KDE developer, xdg-utils developer
KDE user support, developer mentoring
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