File manager context menus

Eike Hein hein at
Sun Aug 17 15:44:45 BST 2014

On 17.08.2014 16:13, Eike Hein wrote:
> So perhaps the goal must be to offer QML bindings from the
> start -- only to validate that things can be instanciated and
> used outside a C++ environment, and instead in an environment
> that guarantees QWidget can't be a requirement.

Or maybe it's best to be less ambitious for now: Instead
of trying to offer a QML API, we could at least try to
offer a C++ API that doesn't impose external requirements
on QWidget.

E.g. overloads for both QWidget and QWindow, the latter
then calling windowHandle()->setTransientParent() on the
dialog boxes, ...

Eike Hein

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