[kde-baseapps] dolphin/src/kitemviews: Fix crash when browsing bluetooth device.

Frank Reininghaus frank78ac at googlemail.com
Thu Jan 3 18:58:50 GMT 2013


2013/1/3 Michael Jansen:
> On Thursday, January 03, 2013 05:03:03 PM Frank Reininghaus wrote:
>> Hi Michael,
>> 2013/1/3 Michael Jansen:
>> > Because i searched bko for related crashes and did not find any. So i
>> > thought it would be a me only problem (nearly everything self-compiled).
>> in my experience, hardly any problem is "me-only". There are many
>> people who never report bugs.
>> > Apart from that i never before discussed changes like that. I expect the
>> > maintainers to read the commit logs. No need to spam you with another
>> > message.
>> And I expect that bug fixes which have a zero risk of regressions are
>> pushed to the stable branch. Can you do it? If not, I'll just
>> cherry-pick the commit to KDE/4.10 myself.
> Did that.

Great, thanks!

> Btw. browsing my N900 still does not work after that fix.
> It does not crash anymore but it does not show any files either. Unfortunately
> i don't have a another browsable bluetooth device to double check. Androids
> unfortunately do not allow browsing. Or if they do i haven't yet found the
> setting.
> But i guess this is more likely a bluedevil problem?

I would guess that you are right, yes. Unfortunately, I don't have
suitable hardware to test it myself, so I can't be sure.

Best regards,

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