Annoying keyboard remapping

David Faure faure at
Wed Oct 20 01:08:14 BST 2010

On Wednesday 20 October 2010, Rigo Wenning wrote:
> Thanks so much,
> this is a bit of sunlight on the horizon as I'm currently suffering a lot
> from KDE-PIM going crazy because of Akonadi.

Huh... you're not supposed to use kdepim 4.5 or trunk, but rather kdepim 4.4 
(even with everything else from KDE SC being from 4.5). kdepim-4.4 doesn't use 
akonadi much (only for the addressbook), and is the current stable version of 

> Will konqueror display now the cervisia icon if it detects that it is
> currently within a CVS tree or display the SVN icon if it is in an SVN
> tree? It did so in the past and this had two usability advantages: It was
> faster to handle the switch from CVS interface to display content normally
> and it was also an quick indicator for less geeky people that they are
> currently operating in a cvs or svn tree. Those two where the reason I
> liked the behavior.

I didn't change the way the icon works, I only made it possible to assign a 
shortcut to the action "switch to cervisia", so that you can do that much 

But the thing about being in a SVN tree is actually much better handled 
automatically now: you don't need the cervisia part anymore.
In its default icon mode, konqueror (thanks to the dolphin code) shows a 
little square on the corner of each icon which is in svn/git, and actions such 
as update, commit, etc. are provided in the context menu.
This is available in KDE SC >= 4.5, you might have to check the checkboxes 
[ ] Git   [ ] Subversion
at the bottom of Configure Konqueror / File Management / Services, to enable 
the feature. This is better integrated than cervisiapart, since there's no 
need to switch to a different mode, and it's better maintained too, since the 
dolphin maintainer is actively taking care of it.
You just have to install kdesdk/dolphin-plugins.

If you use CVS you might be missing the support for it though, but it sounds 
like something that could be added in that framework.

David Faure, faure at,
Sponsored by Nokia to work on KDE, incl. Konqueror (

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