Fwd: Press enquiry "the web and its evolution"

Rigo Wenning rigo at w3.org
Sun Aug 30 13:50:16 BST 2009

I can re-direct to our comm people, but that doesn't 
answer the question whether konqueror engineers are 
working on the new version of the web. Who of you works 
in the IETF HTTP WG and who is in the HTML WG and who in 
the CSS WG? Who of you contributes to ECMA for ecmascript?

What is konqueror's contribution to the web?

Answer from me would be:
Konqueror shows the full power of the web since very early 
days because of his perfect integration of desktop and 
remote information into one single user experience. It is 
not only a reliable and standards-oriented browser but also 
a kind of swiss knife for the KDE desktop with more features 
than one could possibly remember.



On Friday 28 August 2009, David Faure wrote:
> Is someone interested in replying to these questions?
> ----------  Forwarded Message  ----------
> Subject: Press enquiry
> Date: Friday 28 August 2009
> From: Stefano Crepaz <crepaz.stefano at gmail.com>
> To: faure at kde.org
> Cc: 
> Sir,
> At the moment I'm in my final year of high school and I'm preparing for my
> final exams (Swiss maturité).  I've chosen to work on "The WEB and its
> evolution".
> Not long ago, I heard about the 20th anniversary of its invention by Tim
> Berners-Lee and, living in Geneva, I decided to explore the future of the
> WEB which at present is in version 2.0.  In order to do this, I would like
> to interview all the major players in the IT field of which Konqueror is one
> of the leaders.
> This is why I'm writing to you in the hope of receiving some assistance for
> what is truly key for the success of my work.
> Could you help me to answer the following questions.
> Are Konqueror engineers working on a new version of the WEB?
> -If so, is it a priority for Konqueror?
> -If not, can you give the reason?
> -If this is the case, did they start from the beginning with a totally new
> protocol or did they continue to build on Mr Berners-Lee's bases?
> In your opinion, will the 2.0 version of the WEB still continue to exist for
> several years?
> I very much look forward to hearing from you and I thank you in advance for
> your help.
> Best regards
> Stefano Crepaz
> -------------------------------------------------------

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