Making konqueror remember sort order per directory

Staffan Hämälä sh at
Tue Jan 9 21:24:32 GMT 2007

Peter Penz wrote:
> On Tuesday 09 January 2007 21:13, David Faure wrote:
>> I'd suggest having a look at kdebase/libkonq/konq_propsview.* in the

I had a quick look, and it's very interesting. Looks like everything is 
there already. :-)
 From my quick look, it seems like it already reads a lot of things 
about sorting from the .directory file (but doesn't use it?).
I'll try to dig deeper into it as soon as possible.

I haven't been looking at the KDE sources for quite some time. I made
some local patches in -99, but it has changed a lot since then. :-)

(It had to do with our efforts to switch to KDE in the computer labs at 
the university.)

> The KDE3 and KDE4 version of Dolphin remembers the sort order per directory 
> already. In the KDE4 version of Dolphin it's configurable whether properties 
> like sort order are remembered per directory or whether the properties should 
> be applied globally for all properties, as I got the input from some users 
> that they don't want such properties remembered on directory level.
> Anyhow I'm open for any input related on this topic. E. g. today I got a cool 

Interesting. I've never heard about Dolphin before. I might give it a 
try some day. :-)

Another thing I would like to have in Konqueror (or Dolphin?), would be 
that when in "detailed list view", it would automatically resize the 
columns based on what is needed. It feels like it often would be 
unnecessary to have a horizontal scrollbar in the window - it is there 
just because some of the columns are much wider than necessary (e.g. the 
file names are much shorter than would fit in the file name column).

But this is another topic altogether. ;-)


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