Making konqueror remember sort order per directory

Peter Penz peter.penz at
Tue Jan 9 20:37:55 GMT 2007

On Tuesday 09 January 2007 21:13, David Faure wrote:
> > Alexander Neundorf wrote:
> > I'm just now downloading the sources to have a quick look. I'm
> > downloading from SVN. I thought it would be easiest to do on the stable
> > 3.5.5 release, but should I rather start with the KDE 4 unstable branch?
> I'd suggest having a look at kdebase/libkonq/konq_propsview.* in the
> kde-3.x branch. In trunk, this is interesting input for dolphin, assuming
> Peter is reading ;)
Your assumption is valid :-)

The KDE3 and KDE4 version of Dolphin remembers the sort order per directory 
already. In the KDE4 version of Dolphin it's configurable whether properties 
like sort order are remembered per directory or whether the properties should 
be applied globally for all properties, as I got the input from some users 
that they don't want such properties remembered on directory level.

Anyhow I'm open for any input related on this topic. E. g. today I got a cool 
patch for a natural sort order, so that


gets to


Best regards,

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