Bug #66958

Germain Garand germain at ebooksfrance.org
Tue Jan 9 08:54:14 GMT 2007

Le Lundi 08 Janvier 2007 21:53, Hasso Tepper a écrit :
> Ie. if I move cursor into URL bar and hit enter in such pages, it's
> considered to be aborted view, args.reload is set in prepareReload(args)
> and it isn't normal openURL any more. If escape key is hit before, there
> is no problem of course - it's not aborted view any more.

ah right, that's a valid point.. so there is indeed a need for two different 
reload strategies in order to implement that frame reload behaviour...

I think you can proceed with your latter patch.
As for the konqueror bit, I don't use to touch that code, but I would say 
adding a boolean argument to prepareReload, and setting args.softReload from 
there would be cleaner (especially when it becomes an enum in trunk).


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