Konqueror 4 webbrowsing UI

Luciano Montanaro mikelima at cirulla.net
Thu Nov 24 17:49:07 GMT 2005

On Thursday 24 November 2005 17:12, George Staikos wrote:
> Here's a first-attempt mock-up at the Konqueror 4 web browser UI.  I'm
> sure there is lots of work to be done, but the key points:
> 1) URL bar is now permanent and unremovable
> 2) Statusbar is permanent and unremovable

Hi George, I have read about your proposal on the dot already.
I think it's good to always have the location bar and the status bar 
displayed; but why cannot it be a toolbar anyway?

I'm used to have it at the bottom of the window, and I'd hate to lose that 

But I like the throbber and the history in the same tollbar as the location.

> 3) Almost all tools are moved to a removable toolbar that is optional

No objection...

> 4) Bookmark bar can go beside this toolbar -> shrinks vertical footprint

No objection - Bookmarks is the first toolbar I hide anyway.

> 5) Search is prominent

This is the second that goes, though :)

> 6) Security is displayed through the URL bar

This is a good move, I think.

> 7) No features had to be removed except the "Go" button, which is quite
> strange in concept I think.  No reason why it can't be added back

I rarely use it, but it may be useful when pasting an URL with the mouse.

> Issues:
> 1) Would like to have the throbber move to the menubar on the very right

That woul not work with MacOS-style menus. It's just eye candy, and its 
feedback can be provided in the status bar anyway, but... probably users 
expect to have it visible.

> 2) The search combo could expand and shrink the URL combo when it has the
> focus and while as search is in progress, reverting when it loses focus.

> 3) Menus need more reduction/refactoring
> 4) Could this work for file management too?
> 5) The [X] button beside location is too clickable
Can't a spacer / separating line be used?

> 6) Do we need the Location: label?

Can't say.

Luciano Montanaro //
              \\ //
               \x/ www.cirulla.net

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