KDEML workshop at aKademy 2005

Paulo Moura Guedes moura at kdewebdev.org
Wed May 4 18:58:24 BST 2005

On Wednesday 04 May 2005 17:36, Frans Englich wrote:
> Suggestion: perhaps it could be an idea to broaden the scope. I think
> Quanta will switch to KDOM and some of its plans I've heard about is
> closely related to KDOM development, and hence affecting other technologies
> building upon it(KHTML).

Yes, I'm personally very interested in choosing foundations that allow Quanta 
to extend on top of them and it seems that KDOM was designed with that in 
mind. Currently, we are somewhat limited on what we can do and we have the 
hack of having two trees that need to be manually syncronized.
For instance, a thing that an web authoring tool need is to draw custom 
contents in the canvas. Imagine the mozilla composer "HTML Tags" view, for 
example, or a XML/XSLT editor. It would be great if KHTML would have 
extension points that allow other tools to do things like that.
So, I think it would be interesting to think about the future of KHTML not 
only from a browser point of view but also considering functionality for 
authoring tools. 
I'm sure that the Quanta team in general is also interested :)

Paulo Moura Guedes

Linux Caixa Mágica  - http://caixamagica.org
KDE Web Development - http://kdewebdev.org

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