
Paul Temple paul.temple at gmx.net
Mon Feb 7 22:57:23 GMT 2005

> > That's why I proposed to just create the text buffer on
> > startup and create the console window on demand, providing
> > the already created buffer as an arg to the console
> > constructor. I think the startup time should then be almost
> > the same as it is now when not creating a console.
> Yeah I suspect that too, unless that buffer gets too big of
> course (eg. w/ the -Dkjas.debug=1 argument). But like stated,

I don't see a connection between the buffer size (or the growth 
of it) and startup time - unless we make the buffer size greater 
than "free physical memory". ;) The extension of the buffer, 
when it gets full, takes some time, but that's not on console 
startup. And we could limit the max. number of characters / 
lines (delete the first lines if that limit is exceeded).

There is a constructor JTextArea(javax.swing.text.Document doc), 
so we could either use a PlainDocument, or, if that's not 
efficient - don't know as I didn't use it yet -  implement our 
own Document using our own Buffer. That would be created at 
startup and would then be used when lazy creating the JTextArea.

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