Changes to translation shortcuts

Christian Mueller cmueller at
Sat Nov 27 22:15:57 GMT 2004


I'm following up to a short discussion on kde-core-devel 


- The currently existing translation shortcuts en2de and de2en are 
no longer working as the service has been discontinued. 
A replacement has been suggested. 

- There is a new service for translations between French and German
on  The shortcuts fr2de and de2fr have been suggested. 

I adapted/created the respective desktop files (see attachments).
I tried to conserve the already existing translations for the en2de and de2en
by just replacing the old host name by the new one.  The functionality remained 
more or less the same so the description should still apply. 
Is that ok?  Can these two shortcuts be used in the KDE 3.3 branch 
despite the string freeze?   If not then I will remove them there 
because they're broken right now. 

The other two can only go into HEAD because of the string freeze...

Ok to commit to HEAD (and to the 3.3 branch for en2de and de2en)?   


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