[ANNOUNCE] Spring loading folder behaviour (bad news inside)

Mikolaj Machowski mikmach at wp.pl
Fri May 28 13:46:43 BST 2004

Dnia piątek, 28 maja 2004 08:48, Kévin 'ervin' Ottens napisał:
> So if it is ok, I'll commit something to trigger the held() signal using
> a keyboard event during the week-end. It'll be better usability wise IMO
> and will bring us outside the scope of this patent.

I've read the patent and it mentions several times 'temporary window'.  
Removing it and opening folder in current window could be enough 

But here emerges problem with navigation. How to come back to original 
directory? This could be solved by not including 'road' to destination 
folder into history. Than Back action would move user to original 
directory. Or maybe jump back automatically after timeout, when user 
don't perform any action with elements in window (scroll, mark file, 

BTW use of temporary window in tabbed environment can cause problems.  
Eg. I have opening of new windows always in background tabs. If spring 
behaviour would follow this policy, moving this file would be 
troublesome (drag file over dir, new tab appears in backgroud, drag over 
new tab, Konq switches to new tab, repeat).

I like space triggering.


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