/. : machine learning for FireFox2

Dawit A. adawit at kde.org
Sun Jul 11 18:08:39 BST 2004

On Sunday 11 July 2004 06:14, Mikolaj Machowski wrote:

> - Currently, if I start typing URL in the address bar, it matches URLs
> alphabetically. This gets very annoying at times, especially if you
> accidentally type giigle.com instead of google.com and then it keeps on
> matching giggle.com for weeks when I type "g".
> This problem can be fixed by using frequency count with some time decay.
> For example, if I went to google.com 100 times within last week and once to
> giggle.com, then match to google.com on "g". If, however, I went to
> giigle.com 5 times recently, then match to giigle.com

This is how our completion mode works by default for a very long time now. We 
just call it weighing. A weight value is assigned to each completion item 
based on the frequency of your visit and that item is shown first in the 
completion object. Actually a lot of people complain about that because they 
simply want the shortest path completion instead. That is if they entered 
"foo.com"  but have visited "foo.com/path1/file1.html" more times ; they want 
"foo.com" to be listed first when they type "f" instead of the latter URL.

> While one might argue that this makes the algorithm unpredictable from
> user's
> standpoint, in my experience people keep on typing until they see the
> correct
> match. So, this way they'll see the right match sooner on average.
> MM: True. _Once_ I made a mistake trying to go to p:lanetkde.org and
> after few weeks this is still the first match when inserting p as the
> first letter.

That should not be the case. In fact I just tested it using your own example. 
I entered "giigle.com" once and "google.com" 3 times. When I typed "g" the 
first completion item listed was "google.com". However, the "Web-Shortcut" 
feature is not tied into the completion weighing of "typed" completion items. 
Maybe that is why you think we do not do this ?? BTW, weighed completion has 
been in konqueror since the KDE 2.0 ; so it is probably safe to say that this 
completion mode was copied from us to other browsers...

Dawit A.
"Preach what you practice, practice what you preach"

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