/. : machine learning for FireFox2
Mikolaj Machowski
mikmach at wp.pl
Sun Jul 11 22:16:14 BST 2004
Dnia niedziela, 11 lipca 2004 19:08, Dawit A. napisaĆ:
> This is how our completion mode works by default for a very long time
> now. We just call it weighing. A weight value is assigned to each
> completion item based on the frequency of your visit and that item is
> shown first in the completion object. Actually a lot of people complain
> about that because they simply want the shortest path completion
> instead. That is if they entered "foo.com" but have visited
> "foo.com/path1/file1.html" more times ; they want "foo.com" to be listed
> first when they type "f" instead of the latter URL.
Glad to read that.
> That should not be the case. In fact I just tested it using your own
> example. I entered "giigle.com" once and "google.com" 3 times. When I
> typed "g" the first completion item listed was "google.com". However,
> the "Web-Shortcut" feature is not tied into the completion weighing of
> "typed" completion items. Maybe that is why you think we do not do this
> ?? BTW, weighed completion has been in konqueror since the KDE 2.0 ; so
> it is probably safe to say that this completion mode was copied from us
> to other browsers...
But this has a hole. Sometimes location completion gets weird[1] and
completes what I wrote "hard" - by inserting text (black chars), not
only giving proposition (grey chars). Due to one of those events i ended
And looks like those weighing doesn't work for protocols. This "p://"
thing cannot be rejected.
[1] Cannot reproduce on demand or track any regularity, so no bug
One more thing about location completion: is it necessary to keep
separate entries for:
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