/. : machine learning for FireFox2

Mikolaj Machowski mikmach at wp.pl
Sun Jul 11 11:14:43 BST 2004


Probably some of you already spotted this on Slashdot.

First of all: amazing how many of requested features are already in 
Konq :)

But still there are some interesting ideas:

- Make it so when the user hits the Page Down key, a horizontal line 
for a few seconds where the old bottom of the page was, then fades away. So
when you're reading long sections of text and hit Page Down, your eye can
quickly scan to where you left off. 

MM: I rarely use PgDown because of losing track of text. It could be 
done KDE-wide to use in all apps - Koffice, Kate, etc.

- Currently, if I start typing URL in the address bar, it matches URLs
alphabetically. This gets very annoying at times, especially if you
accidentally type giigle.com instead of google.com and then it keeps on
matching giggle.com for weeks when I type "g".

This problem can be fixed by using frequency count with some time decay. 
example, if I went to google.com 100 times within last week and once to
giggle.com, then match to google.com on "g". If, however, I went to 
5 times recently, then match to giigle.com

While one might argue that this makes the algorithm unpredictable from 
standpoint, in my experience people keep on typing until they see the 
match. So, this way they'll see the right match sooner on average. 

MM: True. _Once_ I made a mistake trying to go to p:lanetkde.org and 
after few weeks this is still the first match when inserting p as the 
first letter.

- "1. Keep track of how users enlarge/reduce the font size: if sites that 
use a
10 point font are repeatedly enlarged to 14 or 16 point then it is fairly 
to assume that the user has poor eyesight and all sites with tiny text 
automatically be sized up."

MM: As someone with stron myopia I can confirm that (problem is more 
visible on gecko based machines, where small fonts are really small).



ps. I am heading to bko, but maybe some points are worth discussion.
LaTeX + Vim = http://vim-latex.sourceforge.net/
Vim HTML Templates http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=988
vim.pl - http://skawina.eu.org/mikolaj
VimGDB - http://skawina.eu.org/mikolaj/vimgdb

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