search bar floats

Mikolaj Machowski mikmach at
Fri Jul 2 09:13:21 BST 2004

Dnia piątek, 2 lipca 2004 01:30, Koos Vriezen napisał:
> On Fri, Jul 02, 2004 at 12:03:22AM +0200, Mikolaj Machowski wrote:
> > Dnia czwartek, 1 lipca 2004 22:13, Koos Vriezen napisał:
> > > > I'd say it is part of wider problem: toolbars in KDE (and
> > > > especially in Konq) can be completely unpredictable. Also ways to
> > > > control them are too limited - MS-Office is perfect.
> > >
> > > As this thread started with such an unpredictable thing (which is
> > > fixed now), you might get a developers attention if you actually
> > > mention a concrete case (or did you expect him to doing an
> > > one-to-one comparison between MS-Office and konqueror).
> >
> > Conrecte case?
> Thanks, below seems concrete enough. Gives something to talk about. Just
> saying something is better w/o saying what (esp. if likely nobody here
> uses it) does not improve things for konqueror IMO
> > I cannot force Konq to place addressbar toolbar next to main toolbar.
> > Sometimes it works, sometimes not. Even if I succeed, save as profile
> > after few days it rearranges itself.
> Hmm, but main toolbar has a QSpacerItem to keep the spinning button
> right... doesn't work for other toolbars too...indeed I recall this
> working in the past.

Another complaint - this QSpacerItem isn't visible in 'toolbar editor'.  
I moved Animated logo to address bar because I noticed 'spaciness' of 
this item and very often I have tv window in upper-right corner of 
screen and still want to see if page is loaded or not.

> > What I liked in MS-Office?
> > Possibility to create new toolbars, new buttons. Attach almost
> > everything to it. With these (and bit of VBA) I could turn MS-Word in
> > quite decent HTML editor.
> Yes, that would be very cool if apps could be extended by scripts. This
> is already doable with kjsembed IIRC. 

For me it would be enough if I could create toolbar MyActions, and put 
there buttons: Script1, Script2, Script3 and connect them with khotkeys 
action or shell scripts (more KDE way would be probably .desktop file 
which could use shell script).

Quanta has user toolbars but they are tab-style, not standard KDE 


ps. I wrote: 'I could turn MS-Word into quite decent HTML editor'.  
Actually I did it and wasn't only person which tried it. Few years later 
(I was already vimmer) come across more extended MS-Word template with 
toolbars, dialogs and even simple syntax highlighting.

LaTeX + Vim =
Vim HTML Templates -
VimGDB -

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