bug with KonqPopupMenuPlugins or is it just me?

Chris Wilson clw28 at cornell.edu
Mon May 20 04:28:29 BST 2002


I was attempting to write a plugin to extend the konqueror right click popup 
menus when i noticed that these plugins dont appear to be loaded all of the 
time that they should.  This is more annoying than usual for me, since the 
plugin was only going to act on one the the mimetypes for which they arent 
being loaded properly.

I reported this as bug #42495 but it is possible that i am just doing 
something wrong myself.  If its really a bug, it should be noticable to 
everyone with the kuick copy plugin for example (the 'copy to->' one), that 
it doesn't get loaded for certain types of files like jpegs and mp3s but 
does for most others.

Let me know if im crazy, or if its there and someone else will get it or if 
i should start trying to figure it out myself.  It would take me a rather 
long time if i had to, since i just lost my good college internet 
connection and im not all that familiar with the code as of yet.  I'd 
rather work my way up from plugins if i could.

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