action for LMB click in Konqueror

Germain Garand germain at
Tue Jul 30 16:36:15 BST 2002

Le Lundi 29 Juillet 2002 21:51, David Faure a écrit :
> Hash: SHA1
> On Monday 29 July 2002 22:40, Germain Garand wrote:
> > Le Lundi 29 Juillet 2002 15:19, David Faure a écrit :
> > > > That is IMHO, very bad policy... unless my KFM settings displays
> > > > /usr/bin/sh as the preferred application in "General", I see no good
> > > > reason why a shell script (which is rather, intrinsically, a
> > > > document...) should run by itself ?
> > >
> > > Well, what happens when clicking on an executable? (in any desktop you
> > > can think of, including Mac and Windows?)
> > >
> > > shellscripts are only one kind of executables.
> >
> > You mean : if they have the +x mode ?
> Yes (you're right).
> > The problem is their dual nature turn them into Shröninger's Cat
> > objects... One might not know when one click them wether they are
> > executables or not..
> Right... maybe we need a different icon for "executable shellscript"
> and "non-executable shellscript" ?

That would be good, but wouldn't it be better to have a way to visually 
identify all +x file ? (e.g : a small x in a corner, in the same way symlink 
arrow does)

Because a +x perl, python, ruby, whatever script should also be executed, if 
the goal is to be consistent... 

Now I really need some advices : I've got a fix that says :
if( file is local && service type starts with  "application/x-" && the file 
has mode +x )
{execute through shell}
else{ use trader offers if any}

That works great... but there is ONE problem, always the same : Microsoft...

What if a user left click on an application/x-msword on a sucking filesystem 
that does not support +x ? (that is : with all files set to +x... like on a 
e.g: FAT32)

Only possibilities I see to avoid that is :
1) hardcode all relevant "application/x-XXXX" that are really executable 
(that's what was done with application/x-shellscript)
No need to say this one sucks.

2) have a KMessageBoxWrapper prompt for execution for all "application/x-" 
that are not mere "application/x-executable" (maybe with a "never show this 
again")... and use offers if the answer is "no".
May be ennoying. Or let "never show this again" identifier be constructed 
dynamically with servicetype so that it's fine grained ? Then add checkboxes 
in application/x-... ?

What do you think ?


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