action for LMB click in Konqueror

Germain Garand germain at
Mon Jul 29 22:32:34 BST 2002

Le Lundi 29 Juillet 2002 08:28, David Faure a écrit :
> > It seems that if you first mark a mimetype to be externally or internally
> > viewed, apply the change, and then later switch it to "use settings for
> > XXX group", then it doesn't switch and just uses whatever you choose
> > before...
> I forgot to update the kcontrol file associations module after changing the
> defaults. Thanks for noticing, fixed (please re-test).

I've just rebuilt kcontrol but as far as I can see, the "use settings for XXX 
group"  checkbox still seems to do nothing.

Try this in kcontrol/file associations :
- set "text/plain" to "Show file in embedded.."
- apply
- set root "text" group to "Show file in separate.."
- apply
-set "text/plain" to "use settings for 'text' group"
- try to view a text file in konqui.

For me it still displays as embedded.

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