MMB opens in new tab

Zack Rusin zack at
Sun Jul 28 21:07:14 BST 2002

On Sunday 28 July 2002 11:42, Doug Hanley wrote:
> I don't get that over here, for me it works just as excpected.  Maybe
> its something else thats causing the problem.  However, I do have a
> build from about a week and a half a ago (except for konqueror which
> is new).

I'll look into it then :)

> Great work, I think it looks really good personally!  And I think
> having it the same as KWin is a good idea too.  One question, what
> happens when the tab bar gets too wide, does it play well with those
> little scroll arrow thingies?

Well, it's repainted (the silly answer) and... looks like shit :) Here's 
the problem, arrows are drawn internally by QTabBar, they're part of a 
private pimpl_ idiom inside QTabBar and displayed inside a private 
method, this all makes it pretty much impossible to change their 
position. Which is why I'm drawing the button before them It wouldn't 
be so bad if not the way arrow buttons are drawn inside QTabBar which 
basically is simple repainting over already drawn tab - meaning the 
button is also drawn over a tab. I could draw a background over the 
part where the button is, but it would look very weird. I though that 
not drawing the tab which is underneath the button and arrows would be 
a reasonable solution but it's not, the tabbar looked very unfriendly 
(the tabs looked as if they were cut off). I'm really not sure what 
would be a good way to do this. Here's how it looks right now:
I'd appreciate it, if some UI design people/artists would come up with a 
reasonable solution. I see three (please keep in mind that in QTabBar 
the arrow buttons will _always_ be at the end of the tabbar):
1) (the long way) write our own KTabBar (not inheriting from QTabBar), 
and draw it in whatever way we like it,
2) not draw the last tab (looks horrible),
3) draw a background over the tabs and underneath the close button and 
arrow buttons,
4) solution I haven't thought about.
I looked at Mozilla - they don't have the arrow buttons, but just keep 
scaling the tabs, and Galeon - (which has close button on every tab), 
and I'm really not sure which way is the best. Any ideas?

Zack Rusin

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