overflow: (Re: HTML for KMail ...)

Vadim Plessky lucy-ples at mtu-net.ru
Fri Jul 19 15:17:22 BST 2002

On Friday 19 July 2002 12:34 pm, Jos van den Oever wrote:
|  On Friday 19 July 2002 10:23, Martijn Klingens wrote:
|  > On Thursday 18 July 2002 23:57, Jos van den Oever wrote:
|  > > And every browser has lots of bugs.
|  > > This little piece of html triggered a bug related to anonymous table
|  > > elements. I've just submitted it:
|  > >
|  > >  http://bugs.kde.org/db/45/45458.html
|  >
|  > I like that one! I didn't know about display: table-row/table-cell. In
|  > that case I agree that we can ditch table as tag altogether and use divs
|  > instead. I only wonder how useful it is, because essentially you require
|  > the same capabilities from your browser. I'd have to read the specs on
|  > those properties to understand the rationale behind them I guess...
|  display: table-row/table-cell are useful for displaying XML pages and HTML
|  pages. In XML you don't necessarily have table, tr, etc, so you use CSS to
|  determine how to display your data. Often XML data wants a table, so these
|  display: tags are really useful.

To be precise and clarify:  there are *no* pre-defined tags (elements) in XML.
And child element *doesn't inherit* properties of its parent.
So you need to apply { display: XXX } on every element

XXX can be block, inline, inline-block, marker, etc. (see CSS2 and CSS3 specs)

inline-block is *top* in my Wishlist.
MS IE 6 / Windows and MAc IE5.x support display: inline-block

|  The anonymous table objects are necessary because if you specify that a
| tag is e.g. table-row, it's impossible to easily check that it's parent is
| a table. So the CSS spec says that, if the parent is not a table, an
| anonymous table is constructed around it for display purposes. All
| consecutive table-row elements are then placed in this table.
|  Just too bad that there's a bug KHTML's code in this respect. I'm sure
| it's not a very difficult one though.


Vadim Plessky
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