overflow: (Re: HTML for KMail ...)

Jos van den Oever oever at fenk.wau.nl
Fri Jul 19 09:34:38 BST 2002

On Friday 19 July 2002 10:23, Martijn Klingens wrote:
> On Thursday 18 July 2002 23:57, Jos van den Oever wrote:
> > And every browser has lots of bugs.
> > This little piece of html triggered a bug related to anonymous table
> > elements. I've just submitted it:
> >
> >  http://bugs.kde.org/db/45/45458.html
> I like that one! I didn't know about display: table-row/table-cell. In that
> case I agree that we can ditch table as tag altogether and use divs
> instead. I only wonder how useful it is, because essentially you require
> the same capabilities from your browser. I'd have to read the specs on
> those properties to understand the rationale behind them I guess...

display: table-row/table-cell are useful for displaying XML pages and HTML 
pages. In XML you don't necessarily have table, tr, etc, so you use CSS to 
determine how to display your data. Often XML data wants a table, so these 
display: tags are really useful.

The anonymous table objects are necessary because if you specify that a tag is 
e.g. table-row, it's impossible to easily check that it's parent is a table. 
So the CSS spec says that, if the parent is not a table, an anonymous table 
is constructed around it for display purposes. All consecutive table-row 
elements are then placed in this table.

Just too bad that there's a bug KHTML's code in this respect. I'm sure it's 
not a very difficult one though.

> > Oh Martijn, while you're reading: a request for the bug reporting form.
> > When looking for similar bugs, would it be possible to just list the ones
> > in the same or similar components?
> Often requested, and almost impossible with our ht://dig search backend.
> ht://dig is black magic for me anyway, it's a part of the bug wizard that I
> don't maintain at all and for which I exclusively rely on Daniel Naber to
> fix and maintain it. (Not that I have much time to spend on the rest
> either...)

Too bad. Nevermind.

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