Fixing a CSS bug in Konqueror (44932)

Germain Garand germain at
Wed Jul 17 20:08:33 BST 2002

Le Mercredi 17 Juillet 2002 20:28, Jaak Simm a écrit :
> In short, the problem is that Konqueror applies the pseudo-class :hower
> also to non-anchor elements,

On the contrary, there's nothing wrong with applying pseudo-classes to 
whatever element.
Apart from having a context that is not determined by the document-tree, they 
have nothing special. 

That's why one need to write "a:hover" and not just ":hover" (as in the 
mentioned bug, which is definetly NOT a bug)

If other browsers don't think so, then they are just plain wrong :)


> like <font>, which is not correct. Following page produces such bug:
> .
> Cheers,
> Jaak

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