IE-Comapt = some issues

Lars Knoll lars at
Fri Aug 9 11:25:20 BST 2002

> Moin!
> - I found the IE CSS property "Hand" is not supported. Is that on purpose?
> Otherwise, I'd commit a patch that adds this property (equals "Pointer" in
> CSS2).

cursor: hand is not part of CSS, but an IE extension. We could support it 
without problems. The only thing that might arise is that we fail some test 
in a test suite...

> Some showstoppers for Beta1:
> - Something seriously broke table rendering. Withs are not honoured
> correctly anymore. Examples include the prolinux discussion section (below
> each article) and others. I think the problem appeared 2 weeks
> ago with a commit by either dirk or lars to make table rendering smarter.

Dirk did larger changes here. I'm not sure what the current status is.


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