DOM Level 2 HTML (fwd)
David Faure
david at
Wed Aug 7 09:56:29 BST 2002
Hash: SHA1
On Thursday 01 August 2002 16:08, Peter Kelly wrote:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: 31 Jul 2002 10:03:05 -0400
> From: Philippe Le Hegaret <plh at>
> To: pmk at
> Subject: DOM Level 2 HTML
> Peter,
> I am contacting you as one of the developers of the Konqueror Web
> browser. If you're not the right person to contact, please let me know
> who I should contact or don't hesitate to forward this message to the
> appropriate developers or forums.
Hello Philippe,
I have been working on the JS DOM bindings of Konqueror/KHTML too,
and Peter forwarded your mail. (kfm-devel is the mailing-list with the
Konqueror developers, the name is from the old times when Konqueror
was named KFM :)
> The W3C DOM Working Group will run tests against implementations to
> evaluate their level of implementation of the DOM Level 2 HTML Candidate
> Recommendation [1] and the relevance of the specification itself. We
> would like to evaluate the results during our next face-to-face meeting
> at the end of August. Given that Konqueror is claiming to support DOM2
> [2], I was wondering if the Konqueror team would be interested in
> participating in this effort.
Definitely !
> The test suite is developed by a public independent effort [3]. They are
> currently struggling in making the framework to run the tests compatible
> with implementations (and any help would be welcome on that ;) but
> hopefully they will be done in time for the end of August.
> So if the Konqueror team is interested in participating in our effort,
> please let me know and we can see what needs to be done to run the tests
> inside Konqueror.
Yes, this sounds very interesting.
I guess the first step would be to try out the "DOM Level 1" tests inside Konqueror,
to see if there's any framework problem. I'll try doing that today. I have subscribed
to www-dom-ts, I guess that'll be the best place for posting the results? (Those
that have an impact on the test suite, not those that reflect bugs in konq ;)
> By the way, our intent is to release the results of the tests on the W3C
> Web site if you authorized us,
- --
David FAURE, david at, faure at
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