DOM Level 2 HTML (fwd)
Peter Kelly
pmk at
Thu Aug 1 15:08:04 BST 2002
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 31 Jul 2002 10:03:05 -0400
From: Philippe Le Hegaret <plh at>
To: pmk at
Subject: DOM Level 2 HTML
I am contacting you as one of the developers of the Konqueror Web
browser. If you're not the right person to contact, please let me know
who I should contact or don't hesitate to forward this message to the
appropriate developers or forums.
The W3C DOM Working Group will run tests against implementations to
evaluate their level of implementation of the DOM Level 2 HTML Candidate
Recommendation [1] and the relevance of the specification itself. We
would like to evaluate the results during our next face-to-face meeting
at the end of August. Given that Konqueror is claiming to support DOM2
[2], I was wondering if the Konqueror team would be interested in
participating in this effort.
The test suite is developed by a public independent effort [3]. They are
currently struggling in making the framework to run the tests compatible
with implementations (and any help would be welcome on that ;) but
hopefully they will be done in time for the end of August.
So if the Konqueror team is interested in participating in our effort,
please let me know and we can see what needs to be done to run the tests
inside Konqueror.
By the way, our intent is to release the results of the tests on the W3C
Web site if you authorized us,
Bests regards,
Philippe Le Hegaret -
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), DOM Activity Lead
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