MathML widget : XML or HTML elements?

Ellis Whitehead kde at
Wed Apr 10 20:44:03 BST 2002

Hi Dirk,

On Wednesday 10 April 2002 11:01, Dirk Mueller wrote:
> htmlparser/tokenizer is used for HTML4 based pages. I doubt they (should)
> contain a <math> element that is supposed to be interpreted.

What would be the correct approach, then?  Specifics wrt to files and classes 
would be helpful, since I don't know my way around the khtml code yet. ;)

> Isn't it just for XHTML documents ?

I don't know.  In the documentation on w3c I didn't find any references to 
XHTML, and only found the following reference to HTML that might be of 

"Translators and equation editors which can generate HTML pages where the math 
expressions are represented directly in MathML will be available soon."

What do you make of it?


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