MathML widget : XML or HTML elements?

Andreas Schlapbach schlpbch at
Wed Apr 10 17:51:57 BST 2002

MathML 2.01: 7.1 Embedding MathML in other Documents

Since MathML and XHTML share a common XML framework, namespaces provide 
a standard mechanism for embedding MathML in XHTML. While some popular 
user agents also support inclusion of MathML directly in HTML as "XML 
data islands," this is a transitional strategy. Consult user agent 
documentation for specific information on its support for embedding XML 
in HTML."

Mozilla does not support the mixture of XML and HTML within the same 

MathPlayer for IE however, does allow a strange mixing of HTML and MathML

Go Mozilla!

Dirk Mueller wrote:
> On Son, 07 Apr 2002, Ellis Whitehead wrote:
>>element implementations?  So far, I've created HTMLMathElement* and 
>>RenderMath classes, added ID_MATH the tokens list, and edited htmlparser.cpp 
>>and htmltokenizer.cpp to handle the <math> tag.  I'm betting that this is the 
>>wrong way to go about it.  MathML is, after all, an XML spec, so there must 
>>be some way to make khtml aware of the XML definition?  In order to get full 
> htmlparser/tokenizer is used for HTML4 based pages. I doubt they (should) 
> contain a <math> element that is supposed to be interpreted. 
> Isn't it just for XHTML documents ?
> Dirk

Andreas Schlapbach      schlpbch at

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