MathML widget : XML or HTML elements?

Dirk Mueller mueller at
Wed Apr 10 23:48:08 BST 2002

On Mit, 10 Apr 2002, Ellis Whitehead wrote:

> First a quick baseline question:  how do you let khtml know what the baseline 
> of an element's rendering should be?  Currently, if the mathml object's 
> baseline is not the same as its y-max, the formula doesn't get painted in 
> line with surrounding text.

see baselinePosition()

> Is ElementImpl then the best parent class for mathml nodes?

Either that or XMLElementImpl. 

> My only concern is that this would then dominate the taglist: there are around 
> 200 MathML tags, in contrast to the ~100 tags that it currently consists of.  
> Would this cause a performance hit?

No, we use perfect hashing, but maybe we want a more extensible approach. 

Do we really want such a MathML rendering engine inside KHTML ?

I'm not sure, but rendering math formula's sounds quite complicated and 
code-intensive. Probably similiar to the size of SVG support isn't it ?


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