[Kexi] Some bugs and suggestions

Custodis Custodis at zonnet.nl
Sat Jan 21 08:13:00 CET 2006

Hi there,

If you don’t mind, I will list the bugs I found here. Don’t see them a 
criticism, I’m just trying to help to improve the program. I think it’s 
amazing so few people can do such a great job in such little time. I’m 
working with version 2005 LT v4 on windows xp.


- In the 10 hours I worked with Kexi, the program crashed about 10. I’ve 
tried to find out who this happened, but I’m not sure. It seems to have 
to do something whit the length of a session. When Kexi runs a few 
hours, it suddenly gets a bit in responsive, when the user clicks again 
and again to get a command running, Kexi stops without warning. Data 
loss occurs. I don’t have lots of data jet (just one row in two tables 
and two forms; no queries).

- I’ve made a multiple form. The undo function does not always work 
here. Sometimes the undo function skips one action or don’t remember the 
location of widgets right (this happened in a “group box”)

- When designing a form and making a widget smaller, the widget runs 
over the screen to the right and then disappears out of the box.

- When creating a new data table; the length of the text variables are 
not remembered. The all go back to the default value 200

- When changing the total font color of a tab, the tab itself remains gray.

- In the Netherlands the function of a comma ( , ) and a point ( . ) are 
switched. When entering a number like $ 22.50 we enter $ 22,50 This is 
not working well.

- When entering a database it isn’t possible to “save as” (for nothing 
has changed jet).

- Data entered is not always stored (but this may be my lack of 
experience with the program).

Suggestions, it would be nice if the user could …

- enter the number of digits after the comma (f.i. $ 22,50 or 22,501) in 
the datasource (I couldn’t find it).

- select multiple widgets while designing a form, by selecting an area.

- fix data if Kexi crashes

- select the last used database when kexi starts

- switch between design view and data view could be combined in one button

Regards Robby

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