[Kexi] Using kexi from the subversion repository

Karsten Schwager broock54 at gmx.de
Sun Oct 30 15:12:10 CET 2005

Hallo Jarosław,

> that while running 'configure' you should provide valid prefix,
> specific for your Linux distribution (updated now).
> So instead of
>   ./configure --enable-debug=full
> type:
>   ./configure --enable-debug=full --prefix=`kde-config --prefix`
>                                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

With these I get no trouble. kexi is starting and I can create and open 
database files :-)

I really like the progress of the program. The Text-Editor box is very 
usefull for me. Are there plans to implement text formating like bold 
or different font sizes maybe using the OpenDocument Text format?

Did I something wrong with the image box or is it still not full 
implemented? Because conecting it with a byte field, the pulldown menu 
in the data view is still not activated (The options like 'Insert from 
File' are all grey)!

I got a crash when I create a primary key for a new table the following 

1) Name a field (as Index) with data type  'Integer Number.
2) In the properties area I mark it as Primary Key=yes.

Nr. 2) works in the same way if I use Auto Number=yes and I accept the 
offer to create a primary key.

The crash occures every time when I click at an existing kexi project 
file and opened with kext. But when I start kexi and and then let kexi 
open a existing file with the openin menu - all worked well and the 
error doesn't turn up.

I kept the debugger messages the KDE-Crashmanager offered me. I should I 
send it to you in a private mail?

And now I will play a liitle bit with the programs. A last question, 
updating my subversion repostitory, which intervall would be practical?



It looked like the sort of book described in library catalogues as
"slightly foxed", although it would be more honest to admit that it 
looked as though it had beed badgered, wolved and possibly beared as 
        -- Ah, but has it been hedgehogged?
           (Terry Pratchett, The Light Fantastic)

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