Escape codes for colors in CMake output

Mateusz Loskot mateusz at
Fri Sep 28 01:01:33 BST 2012

On 28 September 2012 00:51, Sven Brauch <svenbrauch at> wrote:
> I think that the filtering should be done by the process writing the output
> (i.e. it should notice that the displaying terminal does not support colors,
> and thus not print them), and I also think that this is supposed to work.

So, it makes CMake responsible. Sounds reasonable.

> Doesn't KDevelop's cmake output view even add its own colors to cmake/make
> output? I do remember having status messages in green and errors in red.

I don't know, perhaps it does.

> Filtering of such stuff on kdevelop's side was discussed a few times
> already, and was dismissed because it'd be slow.

I understand.
Perhaps I should report it to CMake, what do you think?
Meanwhile, I can live with it :)

Best regards,
Mateusz Loskot,

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