where is kdevphpformatter ?

Werner Joss werner at hoernerfranzracing.de
Mon Nov 12 17:19:59 GMT 2012

Am Sonntag, 11. November 2012, 19:40:21 schrieb Niko Sams:
> Hi,
> this plugin is in it's current state completely untested & unsupported.
> (I personally never tested it)

ok, I'll test it :)

> The first issue that prevents it from loading is the
> X-KDevelop-Version property in the .desktop file.
> You can try increasing that and see if something works.

that did the trick, thanks!
(ok, formatter has only one, ugly style, though - screenshot: 
http://picpaste.com/formatter-hbEy1jBo.png )


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