where is kdevphpformatter ?

Niko Sams niko.sams at gmail.com
Sun Nov 11 18:40:21 GMT 2012


this plugin is in it's current state completely untested & unsupported.
(I personally never tested it)

The first issue that prevents it from loading is the
X-KDevelop-Version property in the .desktop file.
You can try increasing that and see if something works.


On Sun, Nov 11, 2012 at 3:38 PM, Werner Joss
<werner at hoernerfranzracing.de> wrote:
> ok, dumb question, but her goes:
> where is kdevphpformatter supposed to show up in kdevelop ?
> (it compiled and installed just fine to
> /usr/local/lib/kde4/kdevphpformatter.so, then ran kbuildsycoca4,
> but nothing shows up in settings->modules neither in settings->source code
> formatters, only c#, c++, java there)
> Werner
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